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Stories of ghosts and witchcraft to chill the nerves and intrigue the imagination…

Castles of Scotland



400+ castles of Scotland with hundreds of illustrations and much much more…

Rossie Priory

Rossie Priory | Pictish sculpted stone | The Picts | Wee Guide | Duncan Jones| Goblinshead | 9781899874125 | © Tom Gray Rossie Priory | Pictish sculpted stone | The Picts | Wee Guide | Duncan Jones| Goblinshead | 9781899874125 | © Tom Gray

NO 285308   53   PH14 9SG


On minor road off A90, 7 miles W of Dundee, Angus


The front of this Class 2 cross-slab carries a full-length Celtic cross, beautifully decorated, although its left arm is now missing. Top left is a four-legged creature with a spiral tail and a human face; below the missing left arm of the cross can be seen a lion-like animal, standing above a man attacked simultaneously by a beast and a fish-tailed serpent; and below this scene are two strange antlered animals, standing upright and facing each other, both gripping a long-necked bird in their jaws. In the top right, a bird-headed human is fighting an unidentified four-legged beast; below, an animal is trying to swallow a serpent which is laced through its neck and stomach. Beneath this is a very curious creature, like a cross between a lion and a buffalo wearing spectacles; and at the bottom two four-legged beasts with bearded human faces intertwine. On the back is a second ornate cross, although the shaft has been left empty of decoration to accommodate the figures of three mounted men, riding from right to left, one above the other. The topmost horseman is obviously the most important: apart from being the largest, he also has a whole panel to himself. Around the arms of the cross can be seen yet more figures. In the top left is a naked man, holding a pair of birds by their necks; underneath him is a crescent with v-rod, set vertically – perhaps simply to fit into the available space – above a Pictish beast; at the very bottom is a two-headed creature, each head looking at the other. In the top right corner is an angel, whilst below the right-hand arm of the cross there are two more mounted men and a pair of hounds.


NOTE: Stone is housed in a private chapel – permission to view must be obtained in advance


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